Wednesday, May 2, 2012


All is good here. We had tornado warnings, but me and the bunny are okay. :) Plan to post a real post tomorrow. Question: Does your rabbit(s) get scared in storms?? Mine was just sitting there eating hay. Bunny Hugs, Bunny Boys


  1. All buns are different,my old bun Thumper he was a dutch and was a bit of a scaryed cat when it came to thing s like that Speedy however is not!

  2. We've had some bad weather here too (and I got caught in in twice walking back from campus). Anyway, I think Umbra has gotten more used to loud noises living in the city, but if your bunny is fine with storms that's def. a good thing

  3. So glad to hear that all is well with everyone and your bun. Mmmm, hay. Comfort food! ; )

  4. Thanks for visiting us, and glad to hear you are ok. It really depends on the storm with my bunnies, and how noisy the storm is. I always thought it bothered them less than it did my cat growing up, but the other day it started pouring out of nowhere, and Biff got really startled and ran away and started thumping. First time in 4 years.

    1. Hi Bunny Boy, Glad to meet you! You are handsome! Most of the time my bunnies aren't too bothered by storms. Last year though, during Hurricane Irene, two of my bunnies stopped eating. and are blog posts I wrote on the experience. It is really interesting how they all react so differently to what's going on around them.
      Nice to meet you Bunny Boy. Looking forward to reading more posts!
      Mary Ellen

    2. Thanks!!
      Will check out your posts.

      Bunny Hugs,
      Bunny Boy

  5. Not much in the way of storms here - but the bunns definitely do not like the fireworks at New Years and 4th of July!

  6. My friend's rabbit is terrified of them. He hides in a corner until it passes.

  7. Oh. my goodness! Your bunny just sits in a corner during storms??? How crazy because mine gets frantic and I have gone out to the garage to comfort her. It is really the only time she will sit in my lap.


Thank you everyone!!!
If you have a bunny blog, please leave a comment!
Bunny Hugs,
Bunny Boy